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Whole Child Manatee - County Page

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Whole Child Manatee provides a community of agencies and organizations focused on serving all the needs of a child based on these six dimensions: Physical & Mental Health Social Interaction & Competence Quality Education Safe & Nurturing Environment Spiritual Foundation and Strength Economic Stability



We urge every Manatee County family with children between the ages of 0-17, or prenatal to complete an online profile. The Whole Child Manatee system will recommend services and activities that will benefit your children and family based on the completed profile.



The Whole Child Advisor assists families complete the Whole Child profile, trains providers on how to utilize the system and the importance of the Whole Child Connection, and serves as a family advocate. Advisors are available to help individual families organize and focus their Whole Child Plan. The community-wide network of advisors and resource connectors are dedicated to assisting families with children identify their needs and connect them with those service providers who can help meet those needs. This network assists Whole Child Manatee build a “no wrong door” culture and fulfill its 10 commitments to children by using the Whole Child Connection.



  • To visit the Whole Child Page click here
  • To complete the Whole Child profile click here
  • If you would like to connect to a Whole Child Advisor click here

Whole child Manatee Graphic, Spirtual, Safe and Nurturing, Economic, Social, Physical and Mental and Quality Education

Service Output:

Hours Available: Monday - Friday and other days as needed


Service Operators

Step Up Suncoast

Step Up Suncoast, formerly known as Manatee Community Action Agency, Inc. and Manatee Opportunity Council, Inc., was incorporated in 1968 as a nonprofit corporation pursuant to Florida law and was designated by the Governor as the community action agency for its service area.Step Up Suncoast received its first grant of $90,000 in 1965 and was administered by Suncoast Progress of St. Petersburg, Florida. This relationship was maintained until the incorporation of the Agency in 1968.Since its beginning in 1968, Step Up Suncoast has grown from a summer project of serving 510 children with 34 staff members and a $90,000 budget to over 11,000 services annually, 250 staff members and an annual budget of $18,000,000.