Contact Info
Please review the Neighborhood Connections Magazine Submission Guidelines below before submitting.
What We Accept: Submissions must in some way, shape or form, help or improve individuals, businesses, communities, neighborhoods, and other groups or organizations. Some examples* include: Job Postings, Community/Neighborhood Events, Neighborhood Initiatives, Crime Prevention Tips, Available Social Services, Kudos, Community Forums, Programs for Youth, Teens, Adults (Please note this is not an exhaustive list.) To get a better idea of what content we accept, peruse our archives. If in doubt, go ahead and send it to us and we will notify you whether we can post or not.
We ask that your submission be respectful. We all come from varying backgrounds and beliefs. Please be mindful of that. Obscenities, personal attacks, threatening, harassing or abusive content, and defamatory comments about any person, group, organization, or belief will not be published.
The post must not include marketing-related links and must not be self-promotional, promoting political candidates, or otherwise political in nature, or advertise a business. Manatee County Government Staff ultimately has the right to reject any post.
How do I Submit my Content: Content contributors may submit articles as frequently as they wish. We just ask that they are print-ready. We accept PDF or high-quality jpg (300 dpi). Send your article, a couple of lines describing the flyer or event, and accompanying files via email to You’ll receive an email confirmation from us once we receive your article.
Magazine Deadline: The 20th of each month to be eligible to be placed in the upcoming issue.

Service Output: Information
Hours Available: 24/7, Online
Eligibility: Everyone