Contact Info
Life-threatening emergencies should be reported directly to local emergency officials by calling 911 from any telephone or cellular telephone. This will ensure the most rapid and appropriate response.
Contact Information for Environmental Emergencies
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission - Wildlife Alert
If you suspect a wildlife or boating law violation, report it to the FWC's Wildlife Alert Reward Program: 888-404-FWCC (3922). If your information results in an arrest, you may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000. Cell phone users can reach us at *FWC or #FWC, depending on your service provider.
Example Violations
* Illegal hunting
* Taking saltwater game fish out of season
* Taking protected wildlife species
* Boating under the influence
To report a nuisance alligator call 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286)
Water, Wetland and Other Complaints
Complaints are accepted by phone, e-mail, or in person. Manatee County's Citizens Action Center serves as the one-stop contact point for all County complaint investigations. They can be reached at 941-742-5800.
Florida Division of Emergency Management - State Warning Point
The State Warning Point is a centralized phone bank managed by the Department of Community Affairs' Division of Emergency Management and operated 24 hours/day and 7 days/week. It is used to report any emergency situations, including, for example, oil and hazardous spills, fires, airline or rail incidents. By phone they may be reached at 1-800-320-0519.
Air Quality Complaints
The Environmental Protection Division's Air Quality program monitors ambient air quality. It is not involved with air quality permitting or compliance.
For information regarding emissions at regulated or unregulated stationary facilities, please contact the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Southwest District Office, in Tampa, Florida by telephone at 813-470-5700.
Open burning in Manatee County is permitted by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Forestry. For more information about open burning contact the local Division of Forestry office by telephone at 941-751-7629.

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