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Palmetto Youth Center Website

Program provides an innovative experience for teens by addressing key needs to promote positive youth development through academics, life skills, career development, work-readiness and recreation.

Academics activities, using Stride Academy software, provide learning opportunities and engagement in science, technology, engineering and math areas (STEM). Life skills curriculum addresses effective communication, self-awareness, self-esteem, social etiquette, health and nutrition, substance abuse prevention, financial literacy, social skills and home economics.

Also includes summer career exploration and work-based learning opportunities.

Service Output:

Hours Available:

  • School Year: Monday-Thursday, 4-7 p.m.
  • Summer: June & July only, Monday-Thursday, 2-7 p.m.; Fridays – Sundays, as scheduled for special events and activities

Eligibility: Manatee County resident Ages 13-17

Service Operators

Palmetto Youth Center

The Palmetto Youth Center was founded in 1957 by a group of concerned African American leaders, with the goal to provide a positive atmosphere for youth in the community. Five decades later, we continue to build strong programs that impact character, academics, and recreation for our youth in the community. Our mission is to build programs that teach and mentor kids how to embrace their education and become positive contributors to society. We target our youth before they are introduced to drugs, crimes and other unhealthy lifestyles; by establishing a strong foundation of high morals and values through our array of programs.
501 17th Street West
Palmetto, FL 34221