Contact Info
Program provides an innovative experience for teens by addressing key needs to promote positive youth development through academics, life skills, career development, work-readiness and recreation.
Academics activities, using Stride Academy software, provide learning opportunities and engagement in science, technology, engineering and math areas (STEM). Life skills curriculum addresses effective communication, self-awareness, self-esteem, social etiquette, health and nutrition, substance abuse prevention, financial literacy, social skills and home economics.
Also includes summer career exploration and work-based learning opportunities.

Service Output:
Hours Available:
- School Year: Monday-Thursday, 4-7 p.m.
- Summer: June & July only, Monday-Thursday, 2-7 p.m.; Fridays – Sundays, as scheduled for special events and activities
Eligibility: Manatee County resident Ages 13-17
Service Operators
Palmetto Youth Center
Palmetto, FL 34221