Contact Info
Just for Girls website
Program provides teen pregnancy prevention and individual development curriculum. Activities include individual/group intervention and behavior modification through incentive system. Classes are provided on the topics of health and sexuality, cultural awareness and sensitivity, conflict resolution, life management skills, and career planning.
- Elementary School GAPS is offered at the East Bradenton Location (941) 747-3337 JFG’s K-5th grade elementary is an Academic, Behavior, and Character building program tailored especially for your daughter. Small class sizes, vocabulary-rich curriculum, immersive STEM studies, and differentiated instruction support the unique strengths and needs of every girl.
- Middle School GAPS is offered at the Palmetto Location (941) 722-8988 Just for Girls has a program tailored especially for your daughter. Our programming focuses on the needs of adolescent girls. Girls in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade may be eligible to be a part of our specialized program. JFG Middle curriculum includes comprehensive prevention, redirection, and resilience practices designed to promote empathy, responsibility, compassion, and goal achievement. At JFG Middle, girls turn F’s into A’s and become the leaders and mentors they are meant to be.

Service Output:
Hours Available: Monday-Tuesday and Thursday-Friday 9:40am-4pm and Wednesday 9:40am-2:10pm.
- Female
- Manatee County resident
- Ages 11-16 years
Service Operators
Just for Girls
Our mission is to provide the framework within which girls can aspire to more successful lifestyles, seek a better education, secure meaningful and financially-equitable employment, and to become responsible and caring members of our society.Our vision is a community where today’s young girls can grow up safe, capable, and smart, having developed self-respect and confidence so they keep their bodies healthy and are inspired to achieve academically. Reaching one girl at a time, we will break the cycle of poverty and strengthen our neighborhoods and community.
1011 21st Street East, FL 34208
1011 21st Street East, FL 34208