Contact Info
Tidewell Hospice Website
Program provides a peer grief support program for children ages 5-18 and their adult caregivers. Blue Butterfly groups are facilitated by mental health professionals and trained volunteers. The facilitators use evidence-based interventions that support children and families on their grief journey. Blue Butterfly services have no cost to patients and families in the community.
Services also include a one hour, 6-week school-based support group, evidence-based grief program for students K-12th grade.

Service Output:
Hours Available:
Manatee County resident ages 5-17 who have had a significant death
Experiencing traumatic stress
Service Operators
Tidewell Hospice
Tidewell Hospice provides the highest quality care to patients and families living with advanced illness, while honoring human dignity and personal choice. Tidewell strives to treat the whole person — fulfilling physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs — and views our patients and their loved ones as a unit.
4151 37th St. E.
Palmetto, FL 34221
Palmetto, FL 34221