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Find Nemours Reading BrightStart!

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ELC Manatee Website

Program provides a supplemental curriculum designed to be an intensive intervention for teaching language and early literacy skills to small groups of three-four and five-year-old children screened and deemed at-risk for reading failure. Staff provide curriculum materials, technical assistance, professional development, coaching, and child progress monitoring to participating early care and education practitioners, assisting them in implementing high-quality literacy instruction that supports children in achieving the age-appropriate literacy skills predictive of becoming successful readers in kindergarten. Various preschool sites throughout the community and virtual sessions as needed.

Service Output:

Hours Available: Monday – Friday; times vary based on the operating hours of the preschool center and weekends as needed


Manatee County residents

Ages 3 and 5 and their preschool classroom teachers

Service Operators

Early Learning Coalition Location

The mission of the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County is to provide and coordinate the services of school readiness programs, in an efficient manner, in order to help all children develop the skills needed to achieve future educational success, to support the role of parents as their child's first and most important teacher, and to continue to improve the quality of services available in the community.
600 8th Avenue West
Palmetto, FL 34221