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Find Help with Employment Services for Veterans

Contact Info

If you are a Veteran with a service-connected disability, you may be eligible to receive help to move toward and keep employment.

Our Veterans Service Counselors will help you understand vocational and employment benefits and assist with applying for the programs.

Detailed information is available on the following topics:

  • Vocational rehabilitation services
  • Vocational-educational counseling
  • Employment resources

Manatee County Veterans Services also works with community groups to help Veterans find jobs. CareerSource Suncoast at 941-358-4200 and Goodwill Manasota at 941-355-2721 both have great track records at helping Veterans.

Please make an appointment to see a Manatee County Veterans Services Counselor if you need assistance with vocational rehabilitation or employment benefits by calling (941) 745-3795. Veterans are also encouraged to make an appointment with MCVS to see if there are any other benefits from the VA for which they qualify.

Manatee County Service

Service Output: Training

Hours Available: Our lobby hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. We are closed for lunch from noon-1 p.m.

Eligibility: All Veterans are eligible for employment resources but other qualifications may be required for educational resources or vocational rehabilitation services. 

Service Operators

CareerSource Suncoast

CareerSource Suncoast offers job seeker assistance and preparation, scholarships and on the job training. They have specific counselors for Veterans. 
Hours Available
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Thursday
600 8th Ave. W
Palmetto, FL 34221

Service Operators

Goodwill Manasota - Veterans Services

Employment Program designed to help all veterans and their family members with the transition from military service, re-acclimation to civilian life and finding meaningful employment. They offer Job Search classes to better equip veterans and their families to obtain gainful employment. Classes include – Service Provider Day, Resumes, Interviewing skills and mock interviews. They help participants assess career goals and identify prospective employers.
2715 51st Ave. E
Bradenton, FL 34203