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Dedicate a Final Site Plan

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Reach out to our Property Acquisition Team to Dedicate a Final Site Plan

Many Final Site Plans approved for development in Manatee County require, as a condition of approval, the dedication of easements and right-of-way. The Property Acquisition Division is responsible for overseeing the dedication of these property interests, including presenting them to the Board of County Commissioners for acceptance. Developers are required to convey these dedications prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Such easements may include but are not limited to:

  • Access Easements
  • Construction Easements
  • Drainage Easements
  • Flowage Easements
  • Sidewalk Easements
  • Utilities Easements

Easements may be temporary or permanent in nature.


  • Description and sketch should be prepared by a surveyor licensed by the State of Florida and will be reviewed by the county surveyor for accuracy and form.

  •  All Exhibits must be 8.5” X 11”.


Evidence certifying applicant’s fee interest ownership in the proposed area to be dedicated. Please provide one of the following:

  • Current (less than 60 days old) “opinion of title & encumbrances” (supported by appropriate deeds via a minimum 30-year search history), as certified by an attorney who is a member of The Florida Bar; or

  • Current “title policy” or “ownership & encumbrance report” issued by a title company licensed to conduct business in the State of Florida. Certification must be dated and signed by an authorized agent of the title company and not older than 6 months.

County staff must be notified of all changes in ownership occurring during the application process. An updated ownership & encumbrance report may be necessary prior to presentation to the Board.

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