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The well-being of children, youth and families is critical to the growth and success of a community. "Well-being" is defined as those factors that influence the likelihood that a child will grow to be a well-educated, economically secure, productive and healthy adult. In Manatee County, the Dedicated Millage for Children funds an array of prevention, intervention and treatment programs for children birth through seventeen years of age, as authorized by Manatee County Ordinance #91-42 and associated amendments.
Manatee County Government's Children's Services Dedicated Millage
The majority of funding is used for the purpose of supporting prevention based programs and services for children and their families, such as:
- Programs and services that promote healthy babies and healthy families
- School readiness and school success
- Preserve the unity and integrity of the family and parental relationships
- Recreational and youth development activities
- Activities that promote healthy lifestyles
- Teen pregnancy prevention
Ordinance #91-42 also established the Children's Services Advisory Board. This 13 member Board is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to evaluate, prioritize and make recommendations concerning the needs of Manatee County's children and families. The Advisory Board provides the program funding recommendations on an annual basis.
- Children's Programs
- Children's Services Annual Plan
- Agency Application Process
- Sleep Baby Safely Initiative of Manatee County
- Child Risk Assessment Reports

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