Code Enforcement Programs

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED)

CPTED stands for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, and it is an effective strategy for reducing crime and improving the quality of life for residents. How a house and property are maintained can significantly impact crime rates and overall neighborhood safety.

Both owners and renters can enhance the security of their homes and contribute to creating a neighborhood that discourages crime by following some straightforward guidelines.

Learn more about CPTED by viewing the CPTED brochure.

Pain Management

Prescription Form

The Board of County Commissioners enacted Ordinance No. 12-14, for the licensing and regulation of Pain Management Clinics in Manatee County. Pain Management Clinics are now required to apply for operational permits issued by Manatee County Code Enforcement.

Pain Management Ordinance 12-14

Pain Management Ordinance 12-4 (PDF, 1007 KB)

*****Unlicensed Contractor Hotline 941-749-3084*****