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MCAT Posts 2023 Performance Measures

MCAT is required by the terms of its grant agreements with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District 1, as well as the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to annually publish certain measures of performance for the public. These measures include ridership, revenue miles, operating expenses and any operating revenue received during the past year. There are also measures that measure the efficiency and effectiveness of MCAT’s service both fixed route and Handy Bus (demand response). This data is also reported to the federal government as part of our federal grant funding requirements. MCAT federal performance reporting can be found on the National Transit Database (NTD) website, This data is available for every transit agency in the nation and goes back many years. It is always accessible to the public on the web. The table below shows these performance measures for reporting years 2022 and 2023 so that MCAT’s year-to-year performance can be readily analyzed. For more information, please contact the Planning team in MCAT Administration at (941) 747-8621.

MCAT Performance Measures 2022-2023