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International Academy of Emergency Dispatch (IAED)

Manatee County Emergency Communications Center is a Triple Accredited Center of Excellence with the International Academy of Emergency Dispatch.

The IAED is a non-profit standard-setting organization promoting safe and effective emergency dispatch services world-wide. Comprised of three allied Academies for medical, fire and police dispatching, the IAED supports first-responder related research, unified protocol application, legislation for emergency call center regulation, and strengthening the emergency dispatch community through education, certification, and accreditation. In November of 2017 Manatee County ECC became the 13th Tri-Accredited Center of Excellence in Police, Fire, and Medical Dispatch Protocols in the world.

Manatee County Public Safety Telecommunicators are certified through the IAED in all three disciplines of emergency call taking listed below:

EMD Certification

The Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD) has been recognized as an essential component of effective EMS systems. Proper and timely training as well as a sound medical protocol are what help EMDs deliver quality care to the calling public with emergency medical needs.

Over the past decade, Medical Priority's EMD Certification Course has become the standard for EMD training. The course meets or exceeds all national criteria set by A.S.T.M., U.S Department of Transportation, National Association of EMS Physicians, and others.

EFD Certification

The Emergency Fire Dispatcher (EFD) brings the science of structured call processing to the fire-rescue field. Completion of this course provides Telecommunicators with confidence to begin using the protocol on-line in the busiest of communication centers. Classes use hands-on teaching, class participation, simulated and actual calls, and feedback to prepare the students for work in a communications center.

EPD Certification

The Emergency Police Dispatcher brings the science of structured call processing to the world of law enforcement communications. The protocol uses logic-based Case Entry and Key Question interrogation to safely and accurately prioritize responses to law enforcement incidents. Post-Dispatch and Pre-Arrival Instructions provide a Zero-Minute Response to callers at the scene to improve scene safety and response effectiveness.

About Accreditation

Accreditation of an emergency dispatch center, or other public safety agency, is a proven way to maximize the accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency of emergency call systems and improve the quality of public safety and patient care. Accreditation holds dispatch agencies to the highest standard of care and practice available.

The International Academy of Emergency Dispatch officially recognizes the Manatee County Emergency Communications Center as a Tri-accredited Center of Excellence in police, fire, and medical disciplines for demonstrating compliance to the highest level of standards as set forth in the Academy's Twenty Points of Accreditation.