October 5, 2023 - Land Use Meeting [Board of County Commissioners]
Notice of Land Development Code Changes Second Hearing
October 05, 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 125.66 of Florida Statutes, that the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, will conduct a public hearing at the Manatee County Government Administration Building, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, 1st Floor, Patricia M. Glass Chambers, Bradenton Florida, during its regular meeting of October 5, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., or soon thereafter to consider, act upon, enact, or reject the following Ordinance.
The Board of County Commissioners Meeting will commence at 9:00 a.m., and will then be recessed until 9:30 a.m.
The Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida proposes to adopt the following ordinance:
LDCT-23-01/Ordinance 23-04 County Initiated Land Development Code Text Amendment Subdivisions PLN2210-0031
This item will be opened and is scheduled to be continued to November 2, 2023 at 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as same may be heard.
Adoption of an Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida; amending the Manatee County Land Development Code; providing for purpose and intent; providing findings; amending the Land Development Code by adding the Definitions of Certified Lot(s) within a shopping center, adding the definition of parent parcel, removing regulatory language from the definition of Subdivision, modifying the definitions of Subdivision, Subdivision Major, and Subdivision Minor, and modifying the definition of Certified Lot(s) in Chapter 2, Section 2 – Definitions; adding access by easement in minor subdivisions under limited circumstances in Chapter 3, Section 330.2.B; and adding standards for Certified Lot(s) within a shopping center to Chapter 3 – Review Authority and Procedures, Section 330.2. – Subdivision Approval Required; modifying Chapter 10, Section 1001.1B.2, Private Commercial Access, to allow access by easement for certified lots within a shopping center; providing for other amendments as may be necessary for internal consistency; providing for codification; providing for applicability; providing for severability; and providing an effective date.
Notice of Comprehensive Plan Amendment Adoption Hearing
October 05, 2023
Official Actions Will Affect and Regulate Use of Real Property in Unincorporated Manatee County – Notice to Real Property Owners and General Public.
The Manatee County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing to consider the adoption of the following amendments to the Manatee County Comprehensive Plan. The amendments pertain to the unincorporated area of Manatee County. At the conclusion of the public hearing the Board of County Commissioners shall determine whether to adopt, adopt with modifications or not adopt the amendments to the Manatee County Comprehensive Plan.
Date: October 5, 2023
Time: 9:00 a.m., or soon thereafter as same may be heard
Place: Manatee County Government Administrative Center
1112 Manatee Ave. West; Patricia M. Glass Chambers (1st Floor)
Additional amendments to the following may be necessary to implement these changes and ensure internal consistency.
The Board of County Commissioners Meeting will commence at 9:00 a.m., and will then be recessed until 9:30 a.m.
PA-23-06 / Ordinance No. 23-66 Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Wetlands Protection PLN2302-0091
Adoption of an Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding comprehensive planning, amending Manatee County Ordinance No. 89-01, as amended (The Manatee County Comprehensive Plan); providing a purpose and intent; providing findings; providing for a text amendment to Comprehensive Plan Element 3 – Conservation, Goal 3.3, Protect, Enhance, and Maintain the Natural Floral and Faunal Resources of Manatee County to aid in filtration of contaminants, provide for the preservation of native species for passive recreational and aesthetic enjoyment, and to provide a healthy environment for Manatee County residents and visitors, Objective 3.3.1., Wetland Protection, editing and renumbering various policies herein relating to Wetland Protection; and Element 4 – Coastal Management, Goal 4.1, Protection, Preservation and Enhancement of the Natural Resources of the Coastal Planning Area to provide the highest environmental quality possible, Objective 4.1.2., Coastal Planning Area Emergent Vegetation and Upland Habitat Protection, amending policy herein so that the County’s Wetland Impact Mitigation standard and it’s Wetland Buffers Requirements for isolated Wetlands is consistent with state standards allowing for engineering solutions to be considered adjacent to environmentally sensitive Coastal Wetlands; deleting text from the above cited objectives regarding wetlands to achieve consistency with state standards; providing for severability and providing an effective date.
Notice of Zoning Changes in Unincorporated Manatee County
October 05, 2023
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County will conduct a Public Hearing on October 5, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as same may be heard at the Manatee County Government Administration Building, 1st Floor Patricia M. Glass Chambers, 1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton, Florida, to consider and act upon the following matter:
The Board of County Commissioners Meeting will commence at 9:00 a.m., and will then be recessed until 9:30 a.m.
PDR-23-09(P) – Creekside Village – On the Creek LLC (Owner) – PLN2211-0052
An Ordinance of the Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, regarding land development, approving a Preliminary Site Plan for one hundred ninety eight (198) multi-family residential units with at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the units designated as affordable housing on approximately 23.91 acres; the site is currently zoned PDR (Planned Development Residential) within the Future Land Use Category of RES-6 (Residential-6 dwelling units per acre) and partially located in the Coastal Planning Area (CPA), Coastal Evacuation Area (CEA), and Coastal High Hazard Area (CHHA) Overlay Districts; generally located on the north and south sides of 58th Avenue East, approximately 400 feet east of 33rd Street East, Bradenton (Manatee County); subject to stipulations as conditions of approval; setting forth findings; providing a legal description; providing for severability; and providing an effective date.
Public Notices
Interested parties may examine the proposed Ordinances, Resolutions and related documents and may obtain assistance regarding this matter from the Manatee County Development Services Department located at:
1112 Manatee Avenue West
4th Floor
Bradenton, Florida
(941) 748-4501 x6878
All interested parties may appear and be heard at the meeting with respect to the proposed Ordinances. According to Florida Statutes, Section 286.0105, any person desiring to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at said Public Hearing will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purposes, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.
Rules of procedure for Public Comment and Citizens’ Comments (including time limits) are governed by Resolution R-25-013, Restated Rules of Procedure (adopted 1/28/25).
Americans with Disabilities: The Board of County Commissioners of Manatee County, Florida, does not discriminate on the basis of an individual's disability. Manatee County is committed to providing full access to facilities, programs, and services to all, as well as supporting the employment of qualified individuals with disabilities in its workforce in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Acts of 1990 (ADA) and as amended ("ADAA"), and 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Anyone requiring reasonable accommodation for this meeting as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), or assistance with accessing any of these documents, should contact Carmine DeMilio, ADA Compliance Coordinator, at (941) 748-4501, ext. 6016 or carmine.demilio@mymanatee.org, at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled meeting. If you are deaf/hard of hearing and require the services of an interpreter, please contact the Florida Relay Service at 711.