Healthcare Advisory Board


The purpose of the Health Care Advisory Board is to evaluate, monitor, and discuss the health care system in Manatee County; review evidence-based practices and programs to determine how they can be applied to the County; make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners; and perform other tasks as requested by the Board of County Commissioners.

Membership Requirements

The Board of County Commissioners appoints 13 individuals* for three-year terms representing the following areas:

  • Health Care
  • Mental Health Care
  • Substance Abuse Care
  • Social Services
  • Higher Education
  • Health Consumer(s), specifically those who are uninsured/underinsured 
  • Business Representative Knowledgeable About Health Care
  • Practicing Physician

*One or more members must represent an ethnic group. 

Those wishing to apply are required to be a resident of Manatee County and may not be:

  • An employee of any organization funded by Manatee County Government, or
  • A contractor for any organization funded by Manatee County Government, or
  • A Board of Directors member of any agency or company that receives funding from Manatee County Government


Applicants for the Health Care Advisory Board must complete the application, including the supplemental questions on Page 5 and provide a current and comprehensive resume or curriculum vitae. All documents must be completed and submitted for the applicant to be considered for appointment. Download the application form on the Current Opportunities page.

For questions or additional information contact (941) 749-3505 or email

Current Members

Name Category Term Expires
James Nguyen, MD, Chair Practicing Physician 9/30/2023
Jill Cherbow, MBA, Vice Chair
Business 9/30/2022
Ibrahim Saad, MD
Health Care
JoOni J. Abnar Consumer 9/30/2023
Alexis Grisham
Consumer 9/30/2023
Geneva Presha, MA
Social Services 9/30/2022

Meeting Documents