Study Rooms

Study Rooms are available at Braden River, Central, Island, Palmetto, and South Manatee library locations. They may be booked, for up to 2 hours, on a walk-in basis or up to 7 days in advance. Patrons who do not arrive in a timely manner to use their booked study room forfeit its use for that allotted time. Upon arrival, check in with library staff to access a study room. Note that you may be asked to show ID.

Please read the following guidelines before booking a Study Room:

Book a STUDY Room

  • Go to to complete a booking form for the preferred time, date, and location. 
  • Requests can be made online up to 7 days in advance. Available study rooms may also be reserved for walk-ins. The library system cannot guarantee room availability.
  • Please read the complete Study Room Guidelines above, including this application procedure, before you complete the online booking form.

Book a study Room

To book a larger meeting room, please go to Meeting Room Booking