Manatee County Street Atlas Help Page
This is the Manatee County Atlas application Help page. On the actual pages, we have several selectable function areas.
On the top navigation bar we can select which atlas version we want. The County version is based on a Section, Township & Range grid with each grid box being normaly about one mile square and displays six grids to a page. The USNG version is based on the United States National Grid index which is exactly one kilometer square and displays 35 grids per page. This grid system is being adopted by the State of Florida Division of Emergency Management.
On the side navigation bar we have links to a searchable Street Name Index, a Printable Street Name Index and a Township & Range by Section map for reference. If you do not have a current version of Adobe Acrobat viewer, Click on the link provided for a free download.
From a map similar to the one below, we would be able to select the grid we want to view for a detailed map of the area. The files may be quite large and may load slowly. These are also PDF's.