Flood Zone Information Tool

Based on recent studies of the area, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has updated the County's flood zones effective August 10, 2021. Depending on whether your flood zone has changed, your flood insurance may be affected. Search your address to find information regarding changes in flood zone for a property. Some information may take a moment to load.

FEMA also has a viewer for map changes, you can find the tool and instructions for its use on FEMA's Community Flood Hazard page

What do the flood zones mean?

  • A (blue) - Special Flood Hazard Area that is high risk for flooding and typically requires flood insurance. Does not have a base flood elevation established. 
  • AE (lavender) - Special Flood Hazard Area that is high risk for flooding and typically requires flood insurance. Does have a base flood elevation established. 
  • VE (green) - Special Flood Hazard Area that is high risk for flooding and typically requires flood insurance. 
  • X (no color) - Low risk area that does not typically require flood insurance.
  • 500 Year Flood Zone, X (shaded) - Moderate risk area that does not typically require flood insurance.
  • D (shaded) - Possible but unknown risk. Flood insurance should not be required.


Enter your street address below. You do not need to enter your city or zip code.

Please note: On some mobile devices, you may need to click the parcel number below after you search for your address.