Risk Management

The self insurance program is established to provide a system through which Manatee County can protect its assets, comply with applicable legal requirements, and meet its responsibilities under state and federal law. 

The County's Risk Management Program includes retention of risk for liability to third parties, for workers' compensation benefits to employees, for repair and replacement of damaged County vehicles and property, and for asserting claims against other persons and entities. It includes management of sufficient commercial insurance to cover catastrophic losses and liabilities.

The intent of the self insurance program is twofold. The first is to provide coverage in the same manner and to the same extent as though commercial general liability, automobile liability, automobile collision, automobile comprehensive, and workers' compensation insurance had been purchased. The second is to fairly and promptly compensate persons injured by acts or omissions of County employees for which Manatee County has liability.

Property Damage or Injury Incidents

If you feel you have been injured or sustained property damage as the result of the activities of Manatee County Government, you must complete and submit the Citizen Property/Injury Incident Form. Once completed, click submit and the form will go directly to the Risk Management Division of Manatee County. A County Claims Adjuster will be assigned and investigate your incident and will communicate the findings to you.

Any Person who Knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud or deceive any insure, files a statement of claim or an application containing any false, incomplete, or misleading information is guilty of a felony as established under Florida Statute 817.234.

Completed Incident Forms or inquiries can be directed to:

Manatee County Government
County Attorney’s Office
Risk Management Division
Post Office Box 1000
Bradenton, Florida 34206
Phone: (941) 745-3750
Email: claims@mymanatee.org