Unregulated Contaminants


Monitoring Data for Unregulated Contaminants

The Manatee County Utilities Department sampled the drinking water for a series of thirty unregulated contaminants (U.C.) in 2018 as required by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). U.C. are those that do not have a drinking water standard set by the EPA. The purpose of monitoring for these U.C. is to help the EPA decide whether the contaminants should be regulated in the future to protect public health. As a consumer of drinking water you have the right to know that this data is available. 

Samples for the analysis of ten Cyanotoxins (nine Cyanotoxins and one Cyanotoxin group) were collected from the Lake Manatee influent location twice a month for a four month period beginning March 2018 through June 2018. Additionally, samples for the analysis for total organic carbon and bromide, were collected during quarterly sampling from the Lake Manatee influent location to supplement the Haloacetic Acid (HAA) data analysis. All other samples for the analysis of U.C. were collected from the drinking water during quarterly sampling. 

Below is a table with the U.C. found during the sampling events in 2018.  The results are reported in parts per billion (ppb or micrograms per liter) with the exception of total organic carbon, which is reported in parts per million (ppm or milligrams per liter). Listed below the table is a list of other U.C. that were tested for but not detected. Results in the ‘Level Detected’ column are the computed average of the U.C.

Contaminant and Unit of Measurement Level Detected Range of Results

manganese (ppb)


3.8 – 11.3

HAA5 (ppb)


31.4 – 87.9

HAABr (ppb)


10.6 – 65.3

HAA9 (ppb)


11.4 – 101.2

total organic carbon (ppm)


8.7 – 18.4

bromide (ppb)


73.4 – 75.9

Other unregulated contaminants that were tested for but not detected include:

total microcystin; microcystin-LA; microcystin-LF; microcystin-LR; microcystin-LY; microcystin-RR; microcystin-YR; nodularin; anatoxin-a; cylindrospermopsin; germanium; alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane; chlorpyrifos; dimethipin; ethoprop; oxyfluorfen; profenofos; tebuconazole; tribufos, 1-butanol; total permethrin (cis- & trans-); 2-methoxyethanol; 2-propen-1-ol; butylated hydroxyanisole; o-toluidine; quinolone

For information on the EPA’s Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule, please call the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791. If you have questions about this report, please give us a call at (941) 746-3020.