Environmental Lands Management and Acquisition Committee (ELMAC)


ELMAC was established in 1993 to advise the Board of County Commissioners on environmental land acquisition, environmental land management, and recreational programming. The Committee has worked with staff to establish methods to identify, evaluate and prioritize land for conservation acquisition. The roles of the Committee have expanded over the years to include:

Last updated January 25, 2022, the full details of the "Manatee County Environmental Land Management and Acquisition Ordinance" can be found in Municode.  The work of ELMAC carried out in the Environmental Lands Program.


ELMAC is not currently accepting applications.

Please fill out an Advisory Board Application Form if interested in a position described above.  

The online Advisory Board Application must be submitted to be considered for appointment.  Advisory Board positions are advertised as openings become available.  Please review the Current Openings before applying to ensure ELMAC is accepting applications.  Advisory Board applications cannot be held for future openings.   


Bimonthly meetings are generally held on the first Monday of the odd numbered months at 6:00 p.m. However, the January and September meetings will be held the second Monday due to holidays.  The ELMAC meeting schedule is maintained in the online County WebCalendar.  On occasion, the meeting location, date, or time may change, so please check the County WebCalendar prior to attending.  Special meetings may be scheduled as needed.

2025 ELMAC meetings are scheduled for the dates below, in the Manatee Room, on the 5th floor of the Administration Building downtown (1112 Manatee Avenue West, Bradenton, FL 34205).

January 6
*February 3 
March 3
*April 7 
May 5
July 14
September 8
*October 6
November 3

*Tentative Meeting Date: These meetings are tentative. If no items need ELMAC consideration, tentative meeting may be deemed unnecessary. Staff will notify ELMAC members and the public (via webpage and web calendar) if tentative meeting will be held or cancelled at least one week in advance of a tentative meeting date. 

Advisory Board Members

Name Term Expires Seat
Scott Childress 2/2026 Florida Engineering Society
Environmental group
Scott Tussing 2/2026 Education in active outdoor sports
Richard Larsen 6/2026 Keep Manatee Beautiful representative
Mike Burton 3/2025 Chamber of Commerce Environ. Committee
Barry Grooms 2/2025 Banking, Finance or Real Estate
Randal Cooper 3/2025 Agricultural Community
Keith McMahon
Manatee County School District
David Landers 3/2025 Schooled in Natural Sciences
Kate Horne 6/2025 At large
Lorraine Prosser 3/2025 Resident of District 1
Mason Gravley, Chairperson 6/2026 Resident of District 2
Craig Copemen 3/2025 Resident of District 3
Brian Searcy 6/2026 Resident of District 4 
Terry McKamey, Vice Chairperson 3/2025 Resident of District 5
Jonathan Lynch 6/2026 Resident of District 6 (At large)
Vacant Vacant Resident of District 7 (At large)
Commissioner Carol Ann Felts 12/2025 Board of County Commission Liaison
Commissioner Jason Bearden  12/2025 Board of County Commission Liaison Alternate